I have always been a fan of Blings Blings. I don't care if its swarovski crystals, real diamonds or even sequins.. as long as it BLINGS.. I will love it!! Back in my degree days, I have got this quite well-to-do friend who will always discuss about her blings with me. She have a Hello kitty mouse that blings, a pair of shoes that blings (the WHOLE pumps was BLING!!), Bling Agnes B keychain (she hang this keychain on a $2 Daiso bag) and her ipod was bling. We will discuss how bling our blings were and we can chat from the start of the lesson till the end!
So one day, my lovely boyfriend decided to cheer me up with a good earpiece because he wanted to get one too. Being the lovely technology boy, he only wants to purchase the best. He was choosing his earpiecewhen I came across this very cute blings earpiece you see. It looks so pretty that I just had to get my hands on it. The price tag for that lovely earpiece was $59.90 (estimated price-it was 2 yrs ago). My bf was skeptical about getting it at first cause he feels that the quality would be lousy and all but I felt that it was SO worth it for the bling-ness. We had a mini discussion with the quality stated and finally, he gave it and gotten that pair of earpiece for me.
This was the earpiece that dearest bought. It looks quite common now I feel! But it was a BIG HOO HA 2 years back. My bling friend was jealous of me then even though she had a $100+ swarowski diamond earpiece! I must admit that I was super proud of this earpiece especially when I flaunt it while playing with my lavender psp!
2 yrs later! This pretty little thing decided to DIE on me. The right side of the earpiece became softer and softer till it decided that it should just keep silence. I tried to endure with it and live with only the left side and within a months time, it decided to totally die on me. *heart pain*
I am totally *pissed* with no music during the 45 mins bus ride to work and decided that I should just get a cheap earpiece so that my heart doesn't feel so pain if it happens to die on me just like how the exp. one did. I went to my favourite site, GMARKET.COM.SG to check on the earpiece.. and THANK GOD!! They were having a major sale on earpiece during the season! Without any hesitation, I placed my orders viola... I've got a new earpiece!!
The delivery takes more than 20 days to arrive cause it was MADE IN CHINA! They had to ship over the products and everything. I was living like a zombie for 20 days in the bus. No music totally makes my day goes BlUE!
Then on one fine day, it finally arrive in my letterbox!!
TADAH!!! Chio right? They even gave me a fish bone for FREE!! The packaging was exactly the same as the expensive earpiece I had gotten at the Apple store. The sound quality( though can't really fight with the exp. ones) is good enough to please my ears and the material used was solid! Though it isn't as bling as the exp. one.. but hello... do you know how much this piece of earphone cost? It cost only...... *drum roll*
$4.60 WITH DELIVERY + GOOD PACKAGING (like in DHL package).
YES! I'm not lying! I feel that $4.60 is so worth it for that 20 days! I'm super happy that I made such a good purchased cause at least.. I don't feel sad if it happens to die on me one day! But well.. I might feel sad if the buyer decided to increase prices or halt his production! Hahaha!
Wanna get one too for yourself or your girlfriends??
Here you go!! They have many other designs too!